Generating an income in retirement

Working with us will help you see the bigger picture. We will be able to take an objective view of your situation and can offer valuable advice on how to plan your finances and use your pension pot to provide the retirement income you need. There’s a range of investment strategies that can be tailored to your individual needs, which means you can choose to preserve your capital, generate income or opt for a balance between the two.

You’ll want your plans to be flexible enough that they can be adapted to your needs as they change over the years, and we can advise on the right approach for your circumstances.

Care fees

As we get older, many of us will face the challenge of providing care for ourselves or for a loved one. Whilst medical care in the UK is free at the point of need, social care is means-tested. This means that your wealth will be taken into account when calculating what you have to pay towards the cost of your care.

It makes sense to think in advance about how you would fund the expense, if the time came. For many, the solution is to sell or rent out their home to pay the fees. However, there are other options available to you, and we can help you make the most suitable choice choice for your circumstances.

Passing on wealth

You may want to start planning how you’ll pass wealth on to your family. We can advise you on the importance of making your Will or revising an existing Will, to ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. Taking advice and putting the right structures in place now can help ensure that your heirs receive more of your estate and pay less Inheritance Tax.

A Will isn’t the only piece of forward planning you should consider. A Lasting Power of Attorney enables you to choose the person or people you would like to be in charge of making decisions which affect your finances or health and welfare if you were no longer able to do so. We can explain how this could benefit you.

We know that at this stage of your life, taking financial advice can bring considerable peace of mind. You’ll find us friendly, approachable and experienced in providing help and advice on what can often be challenging later-life decisions, so why not get in touch?

A pension is a long-term investment and the fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation.

Will writing is not part of the Quilter Financial Planning offering and is offered in our own right. Quilter Financial Planning accept no responsibility for this aspect of our business.

Will Writing is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Inheritance Tax and Powers of Attorney are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.