UK landlords plan to grow their portfolios this year

A recent survey indicates that over a third (38%) of landlords in the UK hope to expand their property portfolios in the coming year1. 

How will landlords fund their ambitions?  

When asked how they plan to finance their portfolio expansion, 40% of landlords expressed intentions to unlock Equity from their existing properties. Meanwhile, 35% would not be opposed to taking out another mortgage or loan, and 25% would partner up with someone else to make their expansion plans possible. 

Getting their priorities straight 

The research also delved into the investment goals of landlords over the next year. The priority of nearly half (45%) of respondents is increasing the value of their properties, while 38% want to boost their rental income. A few (17%) of those surveyed would like to diversify their portfolio. 

Not everyone has plans to expand 

There are some landlords who intend to concentrate on the property they already own in the next twelve months, rather than buying more – 42% want to focus on renting out their current properties, while 20% hope to renovate. 

1Lendlord, 2024